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Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity is essential to the success of any educational institution where academic abuse poses a serious threat to the academic and educational community. This Academic Integrity Policy is designed to instruct trainees about the forms of academic violations that may occur when preparing assignments, conducting exams, writing papers, and performing work necessary to complete training programmes. The Academic Integrity Principles require the trainee to:

  • Correctly acknowledge and cite when using the ideas, results, or words of others.

  • Correctly acknowledge all contributors to a particular part of the business.

  • Ensure that all submitted work is the trainee's own production without unauthorized assistance or cooperation.

  • Obtain and accurately report all data or results in ethical ways without ignoring any findings that are inconsistent with the trainee's interpretation, conclusions, or fabrication of sources, citations, or data.

  • Treat all other trainees in an ethical manner, respecting their integrity and their right to pursue their educational goals without interference.


Failure to adhere to these principles of academic integrity threatens the reputation of the Technology Experts Training Center and the value of the certificates awarded to its students. Therefore, all parties must take responsibility for ensuring the highest standards of academic integrity.


Plagiarism is the “unlawful appropriation” and “theft and dissemination” of another person’s language, ideas, or phrases, and a claim that they are his original work. Some forms of plagiarism that occur to trainees include:

• Handing over someone else's work as theirs.

• Copies of excerpts from their previous work without adding the reference.

• Rewriting someone else's work without citing the source.

• Citation without citing the source.

• Merging more than one work from more than one source without attributing it to its source.


Cheating is the use of prohibited materials, information, or resources to aid in academic exercises. Some forms of cheating that occur to trainees include:

• Copy another student's work or answers on a paper or exam.

• Use or possession of books, notes, calculators, cell phones or other prohibited devices.

• Take a test for someone else.


Procedures for Academic Violations:

When a coaching staff member has reason to believe that a trainee has violated the Academic Integrity Policy, the coaching staff member must:

1. Make an academic evaluation of the work submitted by the student, including evidence that there has been a breach of academic integrity, the lecturer or coach in turn informs the trainee of the reason for the academic breach and decides what punishment will be applied (example: failing grade, other exercise, non-delivery of the certificate).

2. The faculty member shall provide relevant information (a written statement of the incident with supporting documents and evidence) to the training program supervisor.

3. The head of the program must conduct an informal hearing, contact the student, and inform him of the rights, options, charge, and testimony of the faculty member. The program director encourages the student to provide a detailed explanation to ensure due process.

4. The Program Director shall document the testimony of both parties and the supporting evidence in consultation with the coach and the rest of the members to determine the appropriate penalty for the extent of the academic violation.

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